Meet the artist: Akira Shimojo

Meet one of our first 2 Guest Artists on sentomono: Akira Shimojo, 25 from Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. Shimojo is currently a Master of Arts student at Tokyo University of the Arts, where he is graduating in Ceramic Craft next year. His everyday tableware is created with great love for detail and a passion for the material.


What is your history with craft and ceramics?

My family was an ordinary Japanese family with no connection to crafts or ceramics. My father is a philosophy professor at a university and my mother is a housewife.

Maybe my first encounter with craft was in primary school. I found and collected pottery shards and stone tools from the Jomon period in the field in front of my house. For me, back then, Jomon pottery shards were common things that I could pick up in the fields. I remember I didn’t think anything too special about them and used them to fill in the bottom of flowerpots. Now, when I look back, I regret I didn’t collect them.

My first encounter with hands on ceramics was in my high school art class. Even then, I annoyed the teacher by saying I wanted to make a teapot!



Ceramic Artist Akira Shimojo making a Teapot

You study crafts at University. Is there a reason you chose this path over learning as an apprentice from a Master craftsman?

I originally went into art because I liked drawing. I didn't want to be a painter, but a manga artist. I loved "Naruto." I really enjoyed the black-and-white expression composed of strong and weak lines like in Japanese manga. That is primarily why I went to an art school and not to learn from a master craftsman. 

In college, I was torn between blacksmithing and ceramics. I was torn between the two because both allow me to touch materials intuitively. In the end, I chose ceramics based on my intuition. Now I believe that my intuition was correct.

I think it was a better choice for me than being apprenticed to a master because at this school I can freely try what I want to do.


元々、絵を描くのが好きで美術の道に進みました。絵描きになりたいわけではなく、漫画家になりたかったんです。"NARUTO "が好きだったんです。日本の漫画のような強弱のある線で構成されたモノクロの表現がとても好きでした。だから、職人さんに教わるのではなく、美大に進学したんです。大学では、鍛冶と陶芸のどちらかを選びました。どちらも直感的に素材に触れることができるので、迷ったのですが、結局、陶芸を選びました。結局、直感で陶芸を選びました。今となっては、その直感は正しかったと思っています。この学校では、自分のやりたいことに自由に挑戦できるので、師匠に弟子入りするよりもいい選択だったと思っています。

Creative Process: How do you begin a Project? What does your process look like from the Idea to the finished piece?

For me, the process of making the work is the challenge and the art. My production starts with a willingness to challenge myself. I enjoy researching clays I have not yet used and building kilns with unusual processes.

I always start with a sketch of the planned product. Once I have a clear image, I begin to work. However, while actually touching the clay, there are times when I feel that there is a shape that would be best for the material. In those cases, I give priority to my intuition. After placing the work in the kiln, I leave it to the flames. I let go of my attachment to the image of the finished product. Then I can honestly enjoy the finished piece.

I am currently working at the Toride site of Tokyo University of the Arts, where I am researching the clay from the Toride site. Unlike the clay from famous ceramic sites in Japan, this clay is very difficult to handle. But that is why it is so much fun.

Unlike industrial products, each handmade vessel is a little bit different in size and distortion. Sometimes it is difficult to use them, but I don't throw them away just because they are difficult to use, because they are like my own children. I think it is a pleasure that can only be experienced by using something you made yourself. However, the ultimate goal is to enjoy good food and good tea. So the finished pieces are often simple tableware and utensils.

クリエイティブなプロセス プロジェクトはどのように始めるのですか?アイデアから作品完成までのプロセスはどのようなものですか?



What is the most challenging part of your work?

Kiln firing. I always think about firing. When I am making the clay, turning the wheel and chopping the wood. And most of the time, I end up with something completely different from what I imagined. That is the most challenging and interesting part.

Wood-fired kilns are simple. All you do is burn wood to raise the temperature. However, simplicity is the deepest aspect of the process. There are many factors to consider, such as the type of wood used, the humidity of the ground, and the wind. But as long as the temperature rises, that's all that matters. We must also understand that we cannot completely control the flame. This does not mean that we give up controlling the flame. It is just the way it is.




Do you consider your work to be traditional Japanese or more modern? What influences your work?

I am thinking about the future, not the past. If we don't do something about it, beautiful nature will be lost due to the foolish actions of humans. In the past, the Japanese were grateful to nature and lived with it. Today's Japanese have forgotten that spirit and have become arrogant. It is a very sad thing.

We have to protect nature for the future, which is why I am studying the past when people still lived with nature. I want to combine this with modern technology and propose a new way of coexisting with nature for the future. For this reason, I believe that my work is both traditional and contemporary.




Tell us about your favourite object you have at home. What is special about it?

'Mitch'. He is a plant. He is my best friend.

Mitch is a Euphorbia pineapple corn, which I bought seven years ago at a home improvement center after falling in love with it at first sight. Mitch was with me when I was first accepted to college and started living on my own. He is sensitive to cold and had to be trimmed several times in the winter because his roots rotted. That is why Mitch is so small now.

When he is healthy I put him out in the sun every morning and water him occasionally. He does not talk or dance. However, when Mitch is weak, I am constantly worried about him. My greatest happiness is that Mitch is healthy and beautiful green.





Meet the artist: Mayuko Fujitsuka


How to forge a Japanese Knife with Nobuya Hayashi